"Divorce forces sale!" blares the ad. Who would have thought.

Yes it is. It is a Hot Rod Rolls Royce Mulliner Park Ward Fixed Head Coupe, or 2 door salon as the factory called it.

Not sure what the factory would call this car now.

The advertiser concludes "It is a one-car parade, lots of looks, whistles, thumbs up and smiles!". How very discrete and subtle of course.

"A true head turner!" Too true.

"You can park this car next to any new phantom, maybach, ferrari, etc. and you will get all the attention... very unique ride."

I do agree that you will get all the attention.

Attention does come however in degrees of satisfaction.

"I love this car and I know the next proud owner will too."

Which is absolutely true, and the reason why I really really do like this car. Yes it is so wrong. Horrid. It is a total
bogan car.
SummerNats ready the whole works.

It has massive amounts of passion and true care. Good luck with the sale mate!

And I do love the reflection in this above photograph, showing the owner in fashion that suits the car. Simply bare chested, in shorts and we all agree that shoes are for pussys.
Buy it on ebay: Item number:
250598129469Labels: T, trash