It's the Rolls-Royce of Bentley websites.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Proper 4x4 SUV For Sale.

Ok. It is trashy, and yes the car has been featured on Bentley Spotting in the article here about the rumoured Bentley SUV.

It's a Rola 4 be 4.

Very Aussie, very Queensland. It's a blokes car mate. Goes anywhere, and it's a Rola.

Shilbe right.

Yeah mate good one. I'll givya 39 grand if ya through in a slab a VB mate.

Have a look at the advertisement at "It's highly unlikely you will meet another Rolls-Royce whilst bush-bashing in this spectacular creation and will certainly be riding in more comfort than the rest of the off-road crowd. "

At least it is a little more discreet than this American version.

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