Sir David Plastow's 75th Annaversary Red Badge Rolls-Royce Camargue
I think everyone really enjoyed David Irvine's posts from the US RROC National Rally.
Here is a summary for those who missed it:
Louisville or Bust Day 1
Louisville or Bust Day 2
'Man of Vision' (Louisville or Bust Day 3)
Observations in Louisville.
Sir David & David.
Louisville, Day 4
Breakfast Run, Louisville Day 5
Runflat Dilemma
The SVI in Louisville
"Parts For Sale....!"
The Breakfast Club
It's as Easy as 1-2-3....
Meet The Bentley Boys.
Expo 2012
Oh What a Night...
'TORONTO or Bust' this time.
As you can probably tell just from the list, an amazing effort that really made a lot of people feel a part of it. From all over the world.
It was great to see David has a really good time.
Also he got to meet Sir David Plastow.
I think this photo is excellent by David from within his Silver Shadow.
Well quite a number of people from all over the world enjoyed it, including Mark from Victoria, Australia.
Here is what Mark said:
"I am thoroughly enjoying David Irvines report on the US National Rally.
As the current owner of the one off 75th Annaversary Red Badge Camargue JRH 50085, which was delivered new to Sir David Plastow, it is great to see him still enjoying everything Rolls-Royce.
I wish I was there.
PS you may be be able to spot some MK VI Bentleys in my photo, B190HR saloon and B128NZ special."

A Red Badge Camargue, amazing car Mark.
I wish I was there as well.
Interesting enought, when I attended the Bentley Drivers Club Xmas in July weekend, I met Nick who did go to the US RROC National Rally, and met David Irvine as well.
Nice to met you Nick.
Could you get Mark to post some pics of his Mk 6 Special. Not many in Aus, and I am always interested to hear of any other ones. I own PKR 854, chassis #B145JN,a 1951 Mk 6 special
Mark Taxis
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