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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A-Hunting We Will Go

Hunting: No longer a politically correct pastime…in the UK at least.


But Falconry remains popular in the Middle-East:


Just look at this promotional photo for the Phantom FHC Shaleen special edition:


And there has been a long tradition of specially coach-built vehicles to take the Sheiks to the deserts in comfort.


With the other kind of RR frequently the base for conversion.


And that remains so today:

But Rolls-Royces have also been adapted…
And among the more modern conversions the Sbarro Camargue Hunting Car is perhaps the best known:


But I've found a photo of a Silver Spirit Hunting Car…


And a few pictures of a mean-looking Corniche Dune Car…


Does anyone know anything about these cars? Or any others?
Please tell us if you do!


(Posted by Andy)


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