It's the Rolls-Royce of Bentley websites.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

False ID

Do you like to browse the classifieds? I do.
There's hardly a day passes when I'm not checking the Rolls-Royce & Bentley for sale ads.
Yesterday I found this lovely Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow II...
Only 39,160 kms from new...
What's that?
It's not a Silver Shadow II?
Well, it's got chrome bumpers....
But take another look!
Those are Silver Shadow II door mirrors.
And this is a Silver Shadow II dashboard and interior...
And here it's got a Silver Shadow II twin exhaust...
This is a Silver Shadow II that is trying to look older than it really is....
Like a 17-year old with a false ID trying to get into a nightclub!
I like it.
(Posted by Andy)


At 11:18 am, Blogger Irvine said...

Funny, a friend of mine suggested fitting chrome bumpers to my 1975 U.S. spec car....

Same colour too.


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