Beim Winterraid in a Bentley Donington
Beim Winterraid 2009 in St. Moriz Schweiz
Der WinterRAID - der Mythos
In der Ferne die Alpen, die Dolomiten.
Immer näher, steil hinauf ins Weiss des Schnees.
Blau der Himmel, leuchtend die Sonne.
Spüren – das ist Fahren der anderen Art.
Aber auch das: Grau in grau, stiebender Schnee, blankes Eis,
die Strasse, die Kurven nur zu erahnen.
Herausforderung! Beweisen: Alles ist möglich!
Abends dann, unter Gleichgesinnten im komfortablen Hotel.
Das Essen, die Wärme, die Gespräche geniessen.
Die Gewissheit, nicht Alltägliches erlebt zu haben.
My German is rubbish, so using google to translate comes up with this:
The WinterRAID - the myth
In the distance, the Alps, the Dolomites.
More and more, steep climb into the white snow.
Blue of the sky, the sun is shining.
Feel - that is driving the other Art
But also: gray in gray, stiebender snow, bare ice,
the road, the curves only be guessed.
Challenge! Prove: Everything is possible!
Then the evening, among peers in a comfortable hotel.
The food, the warmth, enjoying the conversations.
The certainty, not to have experienced everyday.
It certainly sounds fun!
Herbert Rey came in third in his 1951 Bentley Donington Special.

It is always great to see a Bentley Special out working the circuits, no matter how hard they are!
Thank you Herbert for letting us know! It looks like you are having a great time.
Labels: Bentley, coachbuilt, derby
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