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Friday, August 09, 2013

Oh My Tsuoka...!

The infamous Mitsuoka Galue based on a Nissan Crew (how appropriate...) with a 2 litre engine. A car that's not sure if it wants to be a Rolls-Royce or a Bentley.
Mitsuoka is a small Japanese coachbuilding company that likes to build unconventionally styled cars - many based on 1950s to 1960s British designs.
The next generation Galues look even less like Crewe cars.

Here's one spotted by Kenjonbro in the U.K. yesterday:

It's a bit rude to me but if you have a sense of humour, why not?

Here's the Inspector Morse Jag rendition:

Or maybe it's just Noddy's pal Policeman Plod's undercover car.

(Posted by David Irvine - thanks to Kenjonbro)


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