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Sunday, February 24, 2013

RRRoll Up the Rim and Win

Every Canadian out there will understand this one.
It is now Canada's famous Tim Hortons Coffee Shops' annual 'RRRoll Up the Rim' campaign.
Every time I go there and split my thumbnail to see if I won more than just a cup of coffee, I think of Crewe.
I think they should have used my old car in their advertisements.
RRR in the parking lot. The extra 'R' - as in 'red'.
Goodwood may have told them 'No', though.
(Posted by David Irvine)


At 8:59 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please if you have a tip of winning the Tim Horton's new game called roll up the rim to win then please post it imigeatly.☺☺☺

Thanks a lot


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