It's the Rolls-Royce of Bentley websites.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Modern Car '13-5

For those of you not receiving the RROC Modern Car Society's 'Modern Car' magazine, here is one of the articles in the latest edition.

I was so 'chuffed' to see this:

First of all, one of Illinois' Park-Ward Motors proprietor Rodd Sala's cars is on the front cover.

Then the shocker...

My old photos in print:

I took those shots around 35 years ago.

Then we lead into kenjonbro's current photos:

My shots can all be found on this Bentley Spotting site.
All those years ago my friends thought I was mad taking all those 200 or so RR&B photos.
Maybe they were right but I don't care. I'm so glad I did it....
I'm glad to share.

Ken Brown's are here:

Do note the fact that there are still Silver Shadows and Silver Clouds wafting around.
The equivalent of me spotting cars like this back in 1980:

(Posted by David Irvine and thanks to the RROC for appreciating my old photos....)


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