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Sunday, May 06, 2012

Gender Re-assignment Operation

Michael sent in this quite good example of an Anglo-German identity crises example.

Well having Greek architecture on the front of your car is a selling point.

He also provided this fine example of a Venician gondalla who likes flying ladies.

Finally Michael sent in this gem. The classics Rolls-Royce Bentley combination fried rice.

He then said he was off Frank Dale & Stepsons yesterday afternoon, and may send in some photos of their stock.

They looked well stocked.

And look what he found!

Frank Dale & Stepsons had put the car back through a further gender re-assignment operation.

Probably in Thailand. It's cheep and popular there.

Thanks Michael for sending in the photos!


At 1:33 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to see BXY80 again. That car had belonged to the late John Donner and Family from new and it bears the lady mascot from new and is not at later addition! One has to know that this mascot is indeed massive silver.



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