It's the Rolls-Royce of Bentley websites.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Rolls Royce Bangers

I previously wrote about Rolls Royce bangers, or stock car racing here.

I still claim that it is so wrong.

Here is the video of the race!

The drivers include Dave Nichols, John Hendy and wait for it, Fifth gear presenter Vicki Butler-Henderson!

More information about Rolls Royce Bangers is here.

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At 2:27 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Afternoon mate,
I always enjoy reading through your detailed blogs. I'm definitely with you on the banger racing issue you, so much so I don't go anymore.

At 3:19 am, Anonymous bent8rover said...

Two of those were dressed-up Mk2 Granadas.

At 12:22 pm, Blogger bentleyspotting said...

I think they are all Silver Shadows... There are some eccentric owners out there!


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