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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Conduit Street Mayfair, London

Here is a great photo from 1913 at 14-15 Conduit St, Mayfair of the the Rolls-Royce Alpine Trial Team getting ready to take off on another adventure.

100 years later today I walked past the same spot on Conduit St.

Yes, Rolls-Royce has left the building, replaced by a clothing store.

30 years ago in 1983 Team Bentley Spotting member David Irvine walk past that same spot and saw this.

Yes, it's AX201 the Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost.

Today it's a little different, but the street is much the same.

But don't despair - notice that blue circle on the building up there?

Yes, it's from British Heritage.

Charles Rolls used to work here from 1905-1910.

Lord Montagu of Beaulieu, founder of the National Motor Museum and former chairman of English Heritage unveiled the plaque in 2010.

As I was leaving the corner, an appropriate modern car drove past.


I thought that was cool!


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