Henry Royce's Census Returns
Here are the census returns for the Royce family from 1871 to 1911.
(Click the image to enlarge.)
On the 1871 census, first page, you will see the return for Frederick Henry's parents James and Mary at schedule 85.
Frederick Henry is at the top of the next page with his brother (also James).
The 1881 page , schedule153 shows him with his married sister Fanny and his mother Mary (now widowed).
1891, schedule 120 shows him as the head of the family (unmarried) with his mother Mary - showing his occupation as an electrical engineer.
1901, schedule 14 shows he is now married to Minnie and is an employer - electrical and mechanical engineer.
1911 is Frederick Henry Royce's actual householder's return (the earlier returns were the enumerator's transcripts) - now showing him as the executive director of a motor manufacturing company.
His actual signature is on the bottom right of the return.
(Posted by David Irvine - and many thanks to dad for finding this...)
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