Sir Jimmy Savile died yesterday at the age of 84. A great loss.
He was one of Britain's best known DJ's, T.V. personalities and Charity event attendees.
He has also had a number of Rolls-Royces throughout his life.
I came across this one on the web which had been entered in 'The Festival of Slow'.
Here is Greg H's overview of the rally:
"The Festival of Slow is one of three launch locations across Europe, for one of the stupidest rallies known to man. Starting from Goodwood, Milan and Madrid, hundreds of ill equipped, modern day pioneers set forth on a 10,000 mile journey to Ulaanbaatar. Ulaanbaatar is the capital city of Mongolia, a country that is famed for being over 1.5million square km with approximately 80 miles of tarmac road. You may think that the Dakar Rally is one of the most idiotic rallies, where each year every competitor is risking his or her own life in competing, but the Mongol Rally is so much more. The entire concept is about finding your own adventure, with no support, no maps (not that it would be possible to find any maps for Mongolia or most of Kazakhstan), in a car no bigger than 1.2litres and what ever kit you can fit in or on your car. There are exceptions to the 1.2 liter rule, either for emergency vehicles such as fire engines or ambulances (this year 120 ambulances set off from Goodwood alone) and novelty cars, such as Sir Jimmy Savile's 3 tonne Rolls Royce ".
The car's a bit of a mess but I'm sure they all said 'Jim'll Fix It..."
Credits also to Dullhunk for the Flickr picture of Sir Jimmy and the Corniche.
(Posted by David Irvine)
I have been for a brief ride in the blue Corniche convertible featured on the front cover of the book 'Fix up, look sharp'. It was supplied through the East Sussex dealer that my Father worked for and was in for its first service. The registration was JS247 which was the frequency of Radio 1 at the time (247 on the medium wave!) I remember that all the interior windows were scratched to bits where Jimmy's rings had brushed against them. I also had the pleasure of sitting in Ronnie Corbett's dark red Corniche and Sir Freddie Laker's Silver Wraith.
This hasn't aged well...
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