It's the Rolls-Royce of Bentley websites.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

A little more T Vicar?

Here's a really nice rare 1978 Bentley T2.
I have never understood why Rolls-Royce got lazy and didn't replace the 'RR' lettering on the gauges with a 'B' on the last run of series II cars...
Penny pinching?
It's amazing how Bentley has gone from a 'Rebadged Roller' back to it's own brand.
'Walter Owen' would be proud.
Thanks again to Rodd for the great shots.
(Posted by David Irvine)


At 10:04 pm, Blogger Klaarover said...

Worse still, mine even has Rolls Royce lettering on the engine, and it is the original engine...


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