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Saturday, June 04, 2011

Rusty R Type for Restoration

So you are thinking about starting a backyard restoration project?

Bentley R Type Rusty

Where here is a contender.

Bentley R Type Rusty

There is quite a bit of work to do, but that's the point isn't it?

Bentley R Type Rusty

It is a 1953 Bentley R Type.

Bentley R Type Rusty

Bentley R Type Rusty

Chassis number B297WG.

Bentley R Type Rusty

Bentley R Type Rusty

It was originally sold by Jack Barkley.

Bentley R Type Rusty

Bentley R Type Rusty

It is now for sale on the other side of the pond.

Bentley R Type Rusty

Bentley R Type Rusty

That's right, California in fact.

Bentley R Type Rusty

Bentley R Type Rusty

The asking price is USD$9,750.

Bentley R Type Rusty

Currently for sale at Beverly Hills Car Club here.

Bentley R Type Rusty

Or you would always ditch the body and build a special!



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